Everyone has a person in their life who was influential in a significant and positive way. I have many people who have influenced me to become the person I am today. My grandmother, Vivian Robinson, influenced creativity in multiple art mediums. My dear friend, Winnie Stred, influenced me toward a deeper communion with Jesus. My friend, Charlotte Murray Holmes, influenced me to continue learning and growing in the arts. Yes, even at my age. The list could go on and on. But my tribute today is about the person who was one of the most influential persons in my life. My sister, Suzanne Moorman Arms.

I come from a family of 4 siblings. My sister Suzanne was the oldest and I appeared on the scene 23 months later. My earliest recollections were that we were best buds. Mischievous and getting into 3 and 5 year old type adventures, like hiding in the closet while mom searched frantically for her missing daughters. And standing in the street to make cars stop so we could stick our tongues out at them. Guess who was the influencer in both of those incidents? Suzanne of course. I adored her and would do anything she suggested.
We were like night and day, she and I.
She developed into a very prim and proper, classy little lady and loved all things fashion and culture. I was a tiny runt (and still am) and loved all things dirt, animals and tree climbing type adventures. She aspired to all things musical, theatrical and educational. I aspired to all things artsy, active and outdoors. Her nails were clean and polished. Mine were ragged and always had dirt under them from my latest adventure. She would sit at the piano for hours and practice (without being made to do it by my mom) I would sit at the piano and plunk and whine and cry because I wanted to be on my bike visiting the horse farm up the road. She continued to become a concert pianist and vocalist. I cried until my mom let me quit piano lessons. She starred in the leading roles at our Jr and Sr high school musicals. I sat in the audience and was incredibly proud of her and told everyone that she was my sister. They would laugh with raised eyebrows. I couldn't figure out why!

Our parents were in the ministry, our Dad was an Evangelist and Pastor and our Mom leading in worship on the piano or the organ. Suzanne followed in my parents footsteps when she married Evangelist and Pastor Phil Arms. She sat at the piano leading the music and worship team. Mom was studious and was an amazing teacher. Suzanne was the same, with her classrooms always bursting at the seams because everyone wanted to sit under her teaching. Mom and Suzanne had everything in common. They were like 2 peas in a pod. Mom loved all her kids the same but when she was with Suzanne there was a high pitched joy in her voice and a different look in her eye that seemed to be reserved for her.
I'm telling you this story and writing this tribute because yesterday Suzanne and I went on another adventure together. My brother, Philip, and my husband, Grady and I rode with Phil and Suzanne across Houston to move Suzanne from the rehab facility where she was recovering from a broken hip, to the assisted living facility where she will live out her remaining days. When my beautiful, talented sister was 56 years old she started losing her words. Eventually time would tell that she was in full blown Alzheimers. Today, at 63, she is nonverbal and completely dependent on others to care for her every need. Today is day 1 in her new home. I am sitting at the table writing this blog as she sleeps in a Geriatric chair next to our mom who is also in full blown Alzheimers sleeping in a Geriatric chair.

My loving parents taught us the Bible and directed us to live righteous lives. It was actually mandated in our home. "As for me and my house, we WILL serve the Lord." I was a rebellious youth who knew the way to salvation, but it was my sister Suzanne who actually took me by the hand and walked me to the Door. She was the one that drew back the curtain, showed me the path and encouraged me to give my life to Christ body, soul and spirit. I was 24 years old. She is my older sister and she is my hero.
I don't know what the future holds. I would never have dreamed that I would sit at the table typing on a computer next to my mom and my sister side by side in Geri chairs waiting for Jesus to come take them home. But I do know that when they are gone and it is my turn to cross the river to the other side, they will both be there waiting and they will have words and whole healthy bodies and we will sit down and have tea and fellowship together.

I hope you have been blessed to have a Suzanne in your life as I have.
Go with God.
Precious tribute!!! And amen to your words! When we first met she was an 18 yr old Lady!! And I mean that with a capital L! In every respect of the word.. dignity, honorable, noble, charitable, extremely kind and you know the list could go on and on! All of those without mentioning her numerous gifts and abilities!! I love her as my sister, because she is, by marriage and new birth! Although it is sad visiting, at the same time, her same sweet spirit is very there and she still refreshing me just being in her presence!
I’m so sorry Liz, I have often thought of Suzanne and how she was doing.
May the peace of Christ be with you and your family...