Meet The Team

Christ Central Ministries Oconee Director
OARS Director
Ashley Williams

Director of MH Studios
Liz Glover
Liz formerly served for 11 years as the Founder and CEO of a 501(C)3 nonprofit organization, The Jubilee Market, establishing vocational training centers in several regions of India empowering women with job skills and equipment to make a better life for themselves and their families. She now serves to teach and create art therapy certifications for the clients at Magnolia House and OARS (Oconee Addiction Recovery Systems). Liz has a passion for helping people tap into, and utilize their God given gifts. She believes that each one person can use their gifts and abilities in creative ways. She aspires to design programs as an outlet for women to live, create and thrive in their own unique way.

Magnolia House Director
Tiffany Williams
Magnolia House and OARS exists to serve our clients, our community and our world.