Retirement is an odd state of being. In theory you have worked all your life and most of those years all you could think about was the day you could retire and not punch a time clock any more. Even if you adored your job, there were those days that you didn't get enough sleep, the house was a mess, there were a ton of home projects waiting for you and you didn't feel up to par; you just wanted to stay home in your pj's.
Then after you retire you have all the time in the world to do whatever you want to do and you find yourself longing for the routine schedule, the paper desk pad calendar and getting away from the house that is a never ending list of projects and things to do.
My friend Cassandra Petelo encouraged me toward balance as I struggle to find my happy place, so yesterday Grady and I spent the day enjoying the outdoors and each others company and... we did home projects.
Grady kept his feet on the ground and washed vehicles from below.
I climbed on top and washed the roof and everything I could reach from above.
I couldn't believe how filthy it was. Not sure if it was ever washed up top before. It was great to see how everything is installed and where we might need to reseal some areas. I do love the solar energy. It's great for dry docking.
Maguire's Ultimate Black.
Grady gave me a wonderful product for rejuvenating the black plastic top and rubber parts on the RV and the Jeep. It was so easy to do and the results are amazing!!
Romance in Retirement
Remember all those romance movies where the loving couple is washing a car together and one of them sprays the other with the water hose and they laugh and take off running and end up in an embrace adoring each other as they kiss?

FYI, apparently that only happens on TV. I didn't make Grady watch enough Hallmark movies with me! I'll add that to my agenda on my paper desk pad calendar.
Keep it balanced and Go with God.